Shelter - Refugio Fuente el Pico


6 beds Free to use 1550m

Pine forest. Sierra de Urbión.
Open shelter. Chimney.
Two rooms
Regional Hunting Reserve of the Sierra de Urbión.

Access Mode:
On the paved forest track that leaves on the left at the entrance of Covaleda arriving
from Duruelo de la Sierra, 10.4 km away, take a detour to the right and after 0.6 km to 50
From the road on the left hand side, there is the refuge.

It belongs to the Natural Area of: ENP Sierra de Urbión.

Distance to the nearest town: 10 km.

Points of interest:
Sotillo del Rincón: Chapel Santo Cristo del Humilladero, stone cruises in its portico. The Razón and Razoncillo rivers run. Laguna de Cebollera. Free stretch without death Reason I (SO-2), river Reason.
Cabrejas del Pinar: chapel and pilgrimage of the Virgen de la Blanca. Remains of castle, Pillory or scroll, symbol of villa.
Roman fountain. Natural Monument La Fuentona. Mirador La Peñota. Soterranea Cave, The Murdielaguitos.
Hiking, PR-SO-16.
Villaverde del Monte: 16th-century palace-house. Hiking, PR-SO-10.
Herreros de Soria: Hiking, PR-SO-14.
Hinojosa de la Sierra: Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Romanesque s.XII, reformed in the Gothic period s.XVII.
Duruelo de la Sierra: Church of San Miguel of the sixteenth century, with a caliphal door. Birth of the Douro River, in the Peaks of Urbión. Hiking, GR 86-1.
Cidones: At the foot of the Pico Fronts.
Abejar: Church of San Juan Bautista and hermitage of Nuestra Señora del Camino, Gothic. Swamp of the Rope of the Well.
Hiking, PR-SO-12.
Covaleda: Church of San Quirico and Santa Julita, late Gothic. Anthropomorphic graves. Covaleda fishing preserve (SO-4) on the Douro River.
El Royo: Chapel of Our Lady of the Castle, late Gothic. Remains of castle.
Montenegro de Cameros: Hermitage of San Mamés, s IX, remains of Romanesque paintings.
Salduero: Church of San Juan Bautista, Gothic elements. Hermitage of Santo Cristo.
Molinos de Duero: Church of San Martín de Tours, Gothic. Hiking, GR-8

Information thanks to:


Hiking association: Ayuntamiento de Covaleda



How to get there

GPS coordinates: Latitude: 41.9434 Longitude: -2.83005
Zone: Fuente el Pico