Shelter - Refugio de Biadós
70 beds
In the region of Sobrarbe there is one of the most picturesque valleys of the Pyrenees, that of Chistau. Located to the northeast of the region is surrounded by high mountains, covered with thick forests and bathed by the waters of Zinqueta. Part of the valley is included in the Posets-Maladeta Natural Park.
This area of the Pyrenees has been one of those that has best preserved its traditional culture and traditions, as well as its own language, the Chistavín.
At the bottom of the valley, at the foot of the majestic Posets-Llardana, second summit of the Pyrenees, is the refuge of Biadós. Surrounded by traditional huts and mountain pastures, it offers the visitor one of the most beautiful views of the Pyrenees.
How to get there
GPS coordinates:
Latitude: 42.6625 Longitude: 0.378279
Nearby hiking routes (< 25km)
- PR-HU 115 Puén Pecadó-Ibones del Sen
- GR-19.1 Senderos del Sobrarbe. Variante por Bielsa
- Lac Vert, Boucle par l'Est
- PR-HU 37
- Ascension a Posets
- Refuge du Mont Né
- Pic d'Espingo depuis les Granges d'Astau
- Le cirque des Crabioules
- Le Pic de Circé
- Le Pic de la Montagnette depuis l'Hospice de France
- Pic de la Sauvegarde
- Pic de Céciré
- Grande boucle autour de l'Hospice de France
- Tour du Lac de l'Oule
- Lacs de Bastan
- Refuge et Port de Vénasque
- Sentier des Mélèzes 15
- Sentier de Tramespeyres
- Sentier de Gerbelongue
- Sentier de Baricave
- Sentier de Péguère
- Sentier de l'Hospice du Rioumajou
- Sentier des Vaches
- Voie de Bielsa
- Voie de Bielsa - No Tunnel