Shelter - Refugio de Alon
Refuge of a single cabin, of stone, without services. It is located about 17 km from Saravillo. The car can be left about two kilometers away, right in the free shelter of Lavasar. From Saravillo you can go up by car by track. Attention: In Saravillo, at the beginning of the track you have to pay 3 euros per day to be able to access by car to the refuge of Lavasar by track, one km from the Ibón de Plan.
The refuge is behind the Ibón de Plan, about 300 meters behind, at the top of the valley. The water can be taken from the same Ibón de Plan.
It has no door, but there is a kind of prefabricated door with wood and leaves, something is something and serves the same to protect us.
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