Shelter - Refugio de Bujaruelo


60 beds Paid 1338m

As the valley of Bujaruelo, the section excavated by the upper reaches of the Ara River is known and forms part of the peripheral protection limit of the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park. The high summits that make up the valley and the Bujaruelo gorge are home to a lush forest of pine, fir and beech trees, through which runs a dirt track that serves both a campsite and the refuge of Bujaruelo.

The refuge, former inn and pilgrim hospital times, was originally built in the twelfth century, next to a chapel and a Romanesque bridge (which are still preserved), by the Order of Knight Monks called " The Hospitalarios de San Juan ", which came from the neighboring French valley of Gavarnie. Subsequent refurbishments have taken him to his physiognomy and current services.

How to get there

GPS coordinates: Latitude: 42.6963 Longitude: -0.105642