Shelter - Refugio Collarte


6 beds Free to use 955m

Zone: Montes del Jalón, Jiloca and Alfambra
Condition: Good / Dirty


- The shelter of Collarte, is located in a beautiful spot of the Sierra de Algairen, to the right of the Barranco de Valvillano and on the slopes of the hill that ascends to the Pico Valdemadera.

- Nice corner surrounded by large pines, and ideal to spend a good day after a good meal in its surroundings.


- Leaving Epila, we pass the towns of Lucena de Jalon and Calatorao, we arrive at La Almunia de Doña Godina and cross this locality to follow the old road N II, until we reach a crossroad that indicates to our left Santa Cruz de Grio, direction we take and after reaching it, we follow the road that comes from Inoges and after 6 km we reach Tobed.


- We left Tobed and after crossing the Grio River by a bridge, we take a dirt track marked with the marks of the GR 90, that in ascent takes us to the top of a hill where the remains of a castle and the hermitage are Valentine's Day Here the track becomes a path and we are ascending, having to our left the Barranco de Valvillano, we pass the area of ​​Valdetesancho and the level called Los Homos and after that the GR turns to the left and enters a track, which after descending in two Loops re-enters a path, at the beginning of which the refuge is located.

- You can also access by car on a dirt track, which is taken on the stretch of road that goes from Tobed to Elbows.


Its inside

- Table with two wooden benches
- Stove - Fireplace
- Small grills
- Firewood
- It has a small window
- There is no door


- There are 4 or 5 tables with their respective stone benches.
- The beautiful fountain, also called the Nettles
- Two grills to make meat.

Information thanks to:


Drinking water Fireplace Table

How to get there

GPS coordinates: Latitude: 41.3333 Longitude: -1.36475
Zone: Barranco de Valvillano